500 children are killed on roads across the world every day. That’s a shocking statistic. Thousands more are injured daily. And this is why the third UN Global Road Safety Week which takes place from the 4-10 May is focusing on how to keep children safe on roads.
The week is being used to highlight the many dangers faced by children on the world’s roads and to trigger action to make them safer. At the heart of the campaign, which has the slogan #SaveKidsLives, is the Child Declaration. Campaigners are trying to get as many people and organisations as they can to 'read', 'sign' and 'show' their support for the declaration. And then ‘deliver’ the message of their support to those in charge of road safety in countries and communities. Amongst the declaration’s goals is one that urges world leaders to include a target to halve road traffic fatalities globally in the post-2015 Development Goals.
The UK has done a lot to try to improve road safety. But road accidents still account for a third of all accidental deaths among 0-14 year olds and over half of accidental deaths for 5-14 year olds in the UK. An age breakdown of child casualties has shown 11-15 year old boys are particularly vulnerable.
The UK’s efforts are being headed by Road Safety GB along with an alliance of safety organisations including ROSPA, the Highways Agency and the Chief Fire Officers Association. There are a wide range of initiatives taking place across the UK which include creation of a database of UK road safety practitioners who are keen to link with colleagues in other countries to share their expertise. There will be seminars and forums held during the week. There are also free downloadable child road safety resources for use by pupils and teachers.