Fire Risk Assessments

fire risk assessment

The impact of fire on local communities

When a fire breaks out, the number one priority is obviously to prevent fatalities and injuries. If that’s achieved then clearly the consequences of the fire are far less devastating. But that doesn’t mean you should underestimate its impact. Even small scale fires can hit...
fire risk assessment

How often should you do a fire risk assessment?

This might not initially seem like a very helpful response but the short answer is – it depends. Why? Because the legislation relating to conducting a fire risk assessment doesn’t actually state a precise frequency. What the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 does require...
hotel fire safety

Is there a constant fire safety mindset at your hotel?

Fire safety is a massive challenge in the hotel and guest accommodation sector but it’s a priority that must never slip down the list. Every situation where a fire accidentally ignites is obviously dangerous but when you factor in the additional complexity presented by a...