Tag - fire extinguisher servicing

fire extinguisher servicing

How often should you get your fire extinguishers serviced?

Getting any kind of equipment serviced isn’t the most exciting prospect. So it’s not difficult to see how jobs like organising fire extinguisher servicing end up being pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. But don’t underestimate the importance of ensuring they’re properly maintained. If...
fire safety in student accommodation

Fire safety in student accommodation

For most students, going to university is an incredibly exciting experience. There’s so much going on: a flourishing social life, getting used to living away from home and, who knows, maybe even attending a few lectures too! So it’s understandable that fire safety in student...
fire safety server rooms

Is your server room a fire risk?

The importance of a server room should never be underestimated. The nature of the equipment itself and the business data processed within these rooms (some of which might be irreplaceable) means they can be one of the most essential areas in an organisation. Even when...