nurse call system
There will always be situations in hospitals, care homes and assisted living accommodation where patients or residents need help. Whether it’s an emergency situation or a routine request for assistance, nurse call systems enable that help to be summoned quickly. A nurse call system can literally be a lifeline and careful thought around its selection will help ensure it’s as effective as possible. What are the different types of nurse call systems? There are many different systems on the market, all with the primary aim of alerting staff that a patient or resident needs immediate attention. Hardwired call push buttons or pull cords offer a simple and effective way for patients to call for assistance from their beds or from other locations like a bathroom. Emergency buttons can be incorporated to provide staff with a mechanism to call for additional help or to announce an emergency situation and can even be connected to an off-site alarm monitoring station if required. Other nurse call system options take advantage of continual developments in technology. Wireless systems offer all the benefits of other nurse call systems but as there’s no wiring involved, it’s particularly convenient for buildings where closing off a section for installation is impractical. Addressable nurse call systems can be designed specifically for your environment with settings that are unique to your end user requirements. There is a lot of choice – so how do you approach deciding which one is most appropriate for your setting? Factors to consider when choosing your nurse call system
  • Can you involve nursing staff in the decision?
Your starting point should be talking to the people who, alongside the patients, are the main users of the system: the nursing team. They are the ones with the clearest insights into day-to-day patient care operations so will be in the best position to support the decision-making process and to offer input into which features are needed.
  • What level of integration is required?
With so many products on the market designed to bring additional benefits to both patients and staff, it’s worth considering whether having a nurse call system that integrates with other health care solutions or security systems could be useful. Sometimes a straightforward call button is sufficient to meet the basic requirement of quickly alerting a member of staff that help is needed. But nurse call system integration can bring another dimension of functionality. They can operate alongside access control and CCTV systems, including door monitoring, for added security of residents. They can potentially become part of a wider integrated healthcare system, allowing information to be centrally administered for the whole site. If a patient soils the bed or falls out of it onto a safety mat, the nurse call system can alert a staff member that help is needed.  Nurse call systems can support dementia care: for example, a connected system can be used to provide illumination for a patient who has got up during the night to use the bathroom, lighting up their route to help them return safely back to bed. Some systems will also allow connection to mobile devices for staff alerts while on the move. You may not need that level of functionality straight away. But it’s worth considering the longer term potential benefits of a nurse call system that could ultimately integrate with new technologies and management systems if required to do so, as well as the initial cost and immediate needs.
  • Is training support accessible?
Depending on the complexity of the nurse call system, you might also need to check what training will be delivered by the installer. Once the system is implemented, staff will need to be taken through its operation to make sure it’s delivering all the potential benefits. Initial training should enable staff to become comfortable with the system but make sure your installer is accessible and prepared to answer any questions that might crop up after the system has been in use for a while.
  • What level of maintenance support is available?
It is vital that you can rely on your nurse call system. To do that, you must ensure it’s regularly serviced and properly maintained. Ensure your installer is able to offer ongoing support so that you have the reassurance that any potential faults will be quickly identified and rectified. Take advantage of our free nurse call system site survey Whether you are responsible for a care home, nursing home or hospital, nurse call systems are an essential way for your patients or residents to contact you when they need help. Jackson Fire and Security offers a free no-obligation site survey to establish your requirements and advise you on your best options for a nurse call system that will meet the specific needs of your environment. Contact us now for more information about how we can help you.