It’s the end of another busy and productive week at Jackson Fire & Security, a week that has seen varied fire and security servicing and installation work completed throughout the Midlands.
The week started on Sunday at a Grammar School in the Edgbaston area of Birmingham where we were employed by a facilities management company to upgrade two sets of automatic gates to ensure compliance with current standards. In order to do this we needed to replace the 24v motors and control equipment with new ones, install emergency stop buttons, internal photocells and
safety edges to prevent the gates from closing on cars or people.
The previous automatic gate installation worked with CAME Frog A-24v motors so we decided to replace like for like. The biggest challenge for the engineers on site was the weather as is usually the case in British Summer Time, it poured with rain for most of the three days on site but our Senior Engineer George was able to shrug this off and get the job done. Thanks to this can-do attitude the job was completed in time for the school opening with both the facilities manager and school business manager very happy with the job.
Wednesday was dedicated to remedial work on our housing association contract with a large number of emergency lights that had previously failed discharge testing being replaced with brand new LED fittings.
Thursday among other things was a day of fire safety signage installation and catching up with quotes and surveys.
To complete the working week, on Friday we are supplying and installing one Wet Chemical fire extinguisher, 2 6L Foams (AFFF) and two 2kg C02 fire extinguishers at a fast food outlet in Birmingham for which Jackson Fire & Security have a national account with. This completes our work for this new outlet where we have also installed a ten-camera IP CCTV system and modified the existing fire alarm to suit the new layout.
Security surveys have been completed this week for a telecommunications company who have a problematic intruder alarm in their premises and an office building who have a set of automatic swing gates that require bringing up to current standards. Purchase orders have been received for a fire risk assessment to be completed next week and fire alarm installation which is due to start in early October.
Next week we are servicing fire alarm systems and emergency lighting in houses of multiple occupancy working for a housing association and a housing developer, carrying out fire risk assessments and a CCTV installation plus much more.
If you would like to book a free fire and security review of your systems in the Midlands, please contact us here.
Have a fantastic weekend.